July 1, 2021

EP. 65 — Bob The Drag Queen

Comedian, activist, and beloved drag queen Bob The Drag Queen joins Jameela this week to discuss his childhood as a young queer person in the South, confessing he thought Jameela’s hair was a wig, sharing his experience in polyamorous relationships, growing past being a people pleaser, and how we can be better allies to the black trans community.


IWEIGH-065-20210629-BobTheDragQueen-ACv02-DYN.mp3   Jameela  Hello and welcome to another episode of I Weigh with Jameela Jamil. I hope you’re well and if you aren’t well, you’re about to be fucking well because I’ve got a great guest on today’s podcast. If you are a fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race, then you are in for a motherfucking treat because today’s guest is Bob the Drag Queen, a winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, as well as just one of the funniest, most inspiring, interesting and charismatic people on the whole of the Internet, maybe in the whole of the world. I was able to discuss so many different things with Bob. We discussed his unique childhood where his mother owned a drag bar and would take him there and get him to work there when she couldn’t find a babysitter. We we had an in-depth discussion about his experience in a polyamorous relationship in such an unstigmatized open, informative, loving way. We discussed his activ

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