August 15, 2011
EP. 12 — Whoops Daddy!
It gets a little hot, sticky, scratchy, and itchy in the studio this week as The Apple Sisters bring you an important message about venereal disease. We’re joined by the VD players who help us act out some public service announcements and accompany us into a particularly silly Mail Room. If you or “your friend” suffers from a sexually transmitted disease, listen in!
Recent Episodes
August 6, 2012
EP. 34 — Ask An Apple!
The Apple Sisters are back with a special mailroom episode dedicated to the fans! Join Candy, Cora, and Seedy Apple as they answer important listener questions regarding Jesus, Cora’s Pieshow, pirate booty, and much more! To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, visit
June 18, 2012
EP. 33 — June Gloom
It’s summertime, and The Apple Sisters are battling seasonal allergies, marine layers, and bad moods to bring you their radio show. The mailroom covers favorite summertime activities, and the ladies bring you a special live performance from the Show Girl Breakfast Buffet. To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, visit
May 21, 2012
EP. 32 — Daddy, May I?
May Day! May Day! We’re going down… on a new episode of The Apple Sisters! Join Candy, Cora, and Seedy as they celebrate the arrival of May with tips on escaping the mafia and a special live performance. To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, visit