Our Funny Or Die Partnership
We’re excited to announce a new podcast partnership with Funny Or Die. Starting in September, you’ll be getting even more comedy podcasts in your life and have more ways to listen to your favorite Earwolf and Funny or Die shows.
Earwolf will be the sole provider and producer for Funny Or Die podcasts. We’ll be producing new shows exclusively for Funny Or Die using our state-of-the-art comedy podcast factory. The comedy partnership will bring fans another blast of great new shows featuring Funny Or Die stars and comedians, along with your favorite Earwolf hosts and guests. All of these new Earwolf-Funny Or Die shows will be available via iTunes, Earwolf.com and funnyordie.com.
Funny Or Die will also license our entire back catalog of Earwolf shows, making them available via online streaming at the FOD website.
We’ll have more details about the new shows and what it all means as we get closer to September. For now, let’s spend the summer getting in podcast listening shape. Stick to that Summer regimen of Earwolf exercises, toning those listening muscles. Keep that podcast figure and this Fall, you’ll be ready for the new shows.
We’re pumped to have a podcast partner-in-crime and one with such a large and loyal following. We’re doubly pumped to bring more great comedy from today’s best comedic minds to the 11-million/month Funny Or Die visitors. We’re triply pumped for Earwolf fans to get more of what they love, too.