Andrew Friedman

Andrew Friedman is a part of The Groundlings Main Company and is perhaps best recognized as Charlie’s uncomfortably insecure uncle on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He directed the “immortal” FunnyOrDie video Puppet High and has guest starred on shows such as Six Feet Under, Ugly Betty, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you’re in L.A. you can check him out in S#!T My Folks Don’t Know one Thursday a month.
Guest Appearances
March 16, 2011
Sometimes it’s nice to throw the sparkling glitter of California right in the garbage! To get away from the tacky probably-murderers and porno producers with Roku players and meet some real people of substance. People who pray away their sinful daughters, and do coke with their mistresses at bars. Fortunately for Drew, Wendi, and Andrew, no matter how far you are from L.A. you will always be a click away from Orange County and the tramp stamped blob-fishes that reside there.