Cole Stratton

Cole Stratton is the co-founder of SF Sketchfest as well as the co-host of the Pop My Culture Podcast. He is an exceptional improviser and has performed improv with some of the best: Greg Proops, Jack McBrayer, Matt Walsh, and Rick Overton just to name a few. He has contributed to RiffTrax and has appeared on Nash Bridges, America’s Most Wanted (it’s not what you think!), Yo Momma, and Comedy Colosseum. You can hear lots of Earwolf favorites on Pop My Culture, and see many of them performing at SF Sketchfest, so we thank you Cole!
Guest Appearances
December 5, 2018
Searching for Bobby Fischer with Cole Stratton.
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon (www.mackweldon.com code: PARDO), MVMT Watches (www.mvmt.com/NEVER), and Casper Mattresses (www.casper.com/pardo code: PARDO).
September 4, 2017
An especially lively night in the tavern with visits from a raven, a warrior elf, an ill child, a giant dwarf and a fairy decorator.
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Kermit the Raven: Todd Barry
Braidwynn: Janet Varney
Timbo: Cole Stratton
Matt Dabbin’: Matt Besser
Jasmine Honeygem: Danielle Schneider
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Craig: Ryan DiGiorgi
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Evan Jacover, Ryan DiGiorgi
Editor: Garrett Schultz
Theme Music: Andy Poland
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Audio Assistance: Jason Knox
Production Assistance: Garrett Schultz
Photo Credit: Miikka Skaffari
October 23, 2015
LIVE from the UCB-Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles, Mark Wahlberg (Daniel Van Kirk) returns to solve the problems of the world (because Donnie can’t) with his very famous friends Daryl Hall (Randy Sklar), Christian Slater (Cole Stratton), Bernie Sanders (James Adomian), and Ryan Sickler. They’ll cover very important topics including water on Mars, phubbing, Hilary Clinton’s leaked emails, and more.
October 23, 2014
Cole Stratton (Pop My Culture!) joins the Matts to talk about Timothy Dalton in The Living Daylights!
July 17, 2012
What’s an episode of Sklarbro County without drunken, nude news stories? Guest Cole Stratton comes prepared with a Terrell Owens’ co-ed softball tale, and the gang touches on Tom Brady’s creepy contests, drunken Facebook-initiated fights, and a “human sandtrap” covered in feces. Plus, the Bruce Jenner/Bryant Gumbel feud heats up. If this episode was a championship, you’d display it as a classical bust on your wall of podcasts. Don’t forget to pick up your tickets to see Sklarbro Country live at Montreal’s Just for Laughs Festival on July 25 and at Denver’s Comedy Works on July 27 and 28.
July 6, 2012
It’s a small world on Totally Laime this week. Cole Stratton from the Pop My Culture Podcast joins us and he shares with us his special relationship with Scott Aukerman, his game show knowledge, and treats us to fascinating conversation about pee etiquette and cinema. Enjoy!