
You can find the Geekset Podcast online on Instagram and Twitter @GeeksetPodcast, and individually you can find Deuces on Instagram and Twitter @Young_Deuces, Didgeis@Didge_Dee on both platforms, Bacardi @BacardiAndCola on Instagram and @MrBacardi151 on Twitter. Lastly, you can find Lib only on Instagram, @lib_gibson; for an extra treat, you can also find Lib’s full comic finding exploits on Instagram as well @lib_dk

Guest Appearances

July 23, 2020

We are the Geekset Podcast, the only podcast that blends Hip-Hop Culture and Geek Culture together in one place. Consisting of four hosts (from left to right above) Didge, Lib, Bacardi, & Deuces, this group of geeks speak on everything ranging from anime & video games to album debates and rap top 5’s. A true blend of the two cultures, topics such as “what do you think this character would be rocking with music-wise,” are not lost in their conversations. Geekset seeks to have their finger on the pulse of the culture and discuss as every true geek does, passionately and loud.