George Reddick

George Reddick is David Huntsberger’s former roommate, a genius in all things related to cars, and a super cool guy. If you have a question about your car he is the man with the answer.

Guest Appearances

April 23, 2013

The hatch is alive with questions in today’s Professor Blastoff! The hosts start with a discussion about race and whether Kyle’s impressions fall on the offensive side. Then they dive into the world of automobiles with car expert George Reddick. He talks about the car that started his automotive love affair, the douchiness of Lamborghinis, and the long term viability of the Google car. Plus Kyle does the greatest bro voice of all time, some flying car talk, and a full explanation of how combustible engines work. Believe it! And then a little What’s Nuts and a wonderful round of Boring Texts!