Jill Donnelly

Jill Donnelly is an actress and improviser whose one-woman show Amnesia has had an impressive run at the UCB Theatre in New York City. You can find her videos on College Humor, Funny or Die, and UCBComedy and you can see her perform live in The Racquet or Hot Mess.
Guest Appearances
September 3, 2015
D’Arcy Carden, Jill Donnelly, and Craig Rowin explore a new toothless gummy language society, follow the life of Marcy the Interrupter, and take us to the beginning of the Metal and Social wars on this week’s improv4humans with Matt Besser! Plus, Matt explains how his experience at the Outside Lands Festival ended up with him running from security. Make sure to get the Upright Citizens Brigade television show season 3 now available on DVD, the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, and Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com!
March 28, 2013
What’s that? More improv4humans? Well, you got it! Today Matt Besser is joined by humans Jeff Hiller, Jill Donnelly, and Gil Ozeri and they’ll get shocked by Michelle Shocked, explore who would want the newly unearthed Titanic violin, and say thank you to Mississippi. Be sure to pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon. You can also now get Matt Besser’s new comedy album “The Six Most Important Sets in the History of Standup” at mattbesser.com!
November 29, 2012
Once again we asked YOU which were some of your favorite scenes from the past episodes of improv4humans and we put together volume 2 of this special collection of improvised scenes. Listen to an all star cast of improvisers create scenes based off suggestions from Twitter, Man On The Street Interviews, and horror stories. Be sure to pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon. You can also now get Matt Besser’s new comedy album “The Six Most Important Sets in the History of Standup” at mattbesser.com!
September 20, 2012
We took to the Earwolf Forums and asked YOU which were the best scenes in the past episodes of improv4humans and had so many to choose from that we split them into two very special sampler episodes. Enjoy this pu-pu platter of some of your favorite scenes from an all star cast of improvisers and stay tuned for Volume 2! Be sure to pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon.
September 11, 2012
You wouldn’t believe what we have in store for you on this week’s bonus episode of improv4humans! Our guests Zach Woods, Brian Huskey, and Jill Donnelly join Matt Besser for scenes involving religious loopholes and an extra Man On The Street Interview. Plus, we give our Sound Opinions on Punk Rock.
September 6, 2012
Take your top off and join Zach Woods, Brian Huskey, and Jill Donnelly on this week’s improv4humans! They cover everything from gifts on dates, filthy managers, and the Grateful Dead’s magic secrets. We are also joined by Eric the former paid intern for some Man On The Street Interviews from the recent International Topless Day in Venice. Be sure to pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon.