Joel Mandelkorn

Joel Mandelkorn is one of the best friends the comedy world could have. He works primarily as a producer through his company CleftClips, and is responsible for the uber-rad monthly show The Super Serious Show. Additionally, he runs The Plop List which is a website devoted to comedy podcasts. He has the title of Blog Editor here at Earwolf and has proven to be every bit as talented as he is nice. He’s entrepreneurial and nerdy, so of course we love him here at Earwolf!

Guest Appearances

June 16, 2011

Now that the dust has settled and we’ve all taken a few naps, we’re ready to discuss Earwolf 2.0! The bulk of the Earwolf team is in the studio with The Plop List’s Joel Mandelkorn to talk through the new Earwolf: What we’re proud of, what we want to improve, and our plans for the future. Take this opportunity to get acquainted with the Earwolf staff and explore Earwolf beyond what you’ve seen so far. Let us know what you think in the forums!