Jonny Sun

Jonny Sun is an author and writer known for his book “Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too.” Follow him on Twitter @jonnysun
Guest Appearances
May 22, 2018
Humorist Jonny Sun (Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too: A Book) joins Andrew and Tawny to discuss if you should use the n-word if your black friend “gives you the pass,” the Thug Kitchen cookbook, and much more. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
This episode is brought to you by Joe Pera Talks With You on Adult Swim.
August 28, 2017
Jonny Sun is Twitter-famous. Not in a Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber sort of way. He’s Weird Twitter-famous. He’s got half a million followers and he did it the hard way, by inhabiting the character of Jomny Sun, an alien visiting earth without any friends or a solid grasp of spelling in the English language.
Jonny’s now a published author, a playwright and an architect, he’s coded two of Twitter’s most popular bot accounts, oh, and he’s studying for his doctorate at a little place called MIT. Heard of it?
Dude is super smart, super funny and while normal people like us have to practice and study to get better at things, he probably learns like Trinity in The Matrix learning how to fly a helicopter. So this week Alex Schmidt and Daniel O’Brien are joined by Jonny in-studio to talk about his book full of typos, juggling being an author-internet celebrity-architect-playwright and the state of internet cultures in 2017.
Footnotes, sources and links: https://goo.gl/V8yFfy
This episode is brought to you Seance Infernale (www.prh.com/seance) and ZipRecruiter (www.ziprecruiter.com/CRACKED).
June 21, 2017
Author Jonny Son joins Andrew to discuss his new book “Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur A Aliebn Too,” casting White actors in roles that can be played by Asian actors, and much more. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.