Londale Theus Jr.

Londale Theus Jr. is an actor, stand up comic, writer, improviser on the UCB-LA Harold Team Rococo and actor on the UCB-LA Maude sketch team Bombardier.
Guest Appearances
July 15, 2024
What’s poppin’ Con-gregation? This week, comedian Londale Theus Jr. joins the show to discuss Belle Gibson who was set to be next biggest wellness guru but 10 years later, her international empire built on a cancer journey has crumbled.
October 27, 2016
The titular Johnny Pemberton of FOX’s Son of Zorn and the titular middle child Eden Sher of ABC’s The Middle join the CBB First Timers Club! They join Scott for some Seinfeld trivia, Disney history, and to do elevator pitches for Eden’s new book “The Emotionary” and Johnny’s He-Man inspired show Son of Zorn. Then, showbiz driver Dicker Troy stops by to tell us what it’s like to work as a driver for big celebs. Later, Reverend T.P. Stain arrives to share the gospel on why juicing is the most important thing you can do to better your life. Plus, it’s the return of Would You Rather!
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June 16, 2016
Rhys Darby of The Flight of The Conchords enters the CBB 1st Timers Club! Rhys tests his movie trivia, plays a game of “Agree or Disagree?”, and acknowledges his immortality. Then, Margie Donk returns to tell us about her new venture to pursue her dream as a writer in Los Angeles. Later, personal trainer Reggie Tote arrives to talk about his specific Hollywood trainer expertise which began with the original Roots series.
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