Matt Mira

Matt Mira is a writer, comedian and podcaster. Matt started podcasting way back in 2008 and has continued despite America’s wishes. He hosts podcasts with Matt Gourley, Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier, Chris Hardwick, Andy Secunda and even his own wife. Currently Matt is a writer on ABC’s The Goldberg’s and a lover of James Bond.
Guest Appearances
January 6, 2025
In a very special podcast cross-over event, Bond experts Matt Gourley (Keys To The Kingdom) and Matt Mira (The Goldbergs), hosts of the podcast James Bonding, join Paul, June, and Jason to figure out if A View To a Kill is the worst Bond movie of all time.
March 6, 2022
This week’s episode forecast…a freeze is coming! Matt Mira (The Goldbergs) and Marvel’s Jesse Falcon join Paul, Jason, and June to discuss the 1997 film, Batman & Robin. They discuss Superhero butt shots and how this movie can be seen as a really long action figure commercial.
For more Matinee Monday content, check out Paul’s Youtube page
For more HDTGM info visit https://www.hdtgminfo.com/
HDTGM Discord: discord.gg/hdtgm
Paul’s Discord: https://discord.gg/paulscheer
Check out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/friendzone) every Thursday 8-10pm EST
Subscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: listen.earwolf.com/deepdive
Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: listen.earwolf.com/unspooled
Check out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.com
Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepublic.com/stores/hdtgm
Where to Find Jason, June & Paul:
@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter
@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
Jason is Not on Twitter
July 26, 2017
Comedians and podcast hosts Matt Gourley and Matt Mira take to the charts this week to celebrate the Earwolf rebirth of their podcast “James Bonding.” First, they help Howard and Kulap count down Billboard’s Top 5 Summer Songs of All Time, and then the Matts reveal the origin of their Bond-ing and make predictions for the next 007 during a special themed Movie Chart. Finally, we hear about Comic-Con updates and a listener question about mumble rap on Two Charted.
This episode is sponsored by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com code: CHARTED) and Blue Apron (www.blueapron.com/charted).
October 27, 2015
Join Kevin as he sits down with podcast veteran Matt Mira (The Nerdist, James Bonding). Matt geeks out about all his passions and reveals that the secret to making it in Hollywood is through the Apple Genius Bar.
December 12, 2014
In a very special podcast cross-over event, Bond experts Matt Gourley (Keys To The Kingdom) and Matt Mira (The Goldbergs), hosts of the podcast James Bonding, join Paul, June, and Jason to figure out if A View To a Kill is the worst Bond movie of all time.
October 10, 2013
Andy Richter, Matt Besser, and Matt Mira join Jake in their viewing positions on today’s LIVE episode from the LA Podfest! They’ll experience joy that only Huell Howser can create, be intrigued by the gentleman in a music video simply called “Mystical Sex,” and enjoy some public access vids courtesy of the mysterious Rev. Bruce Howard. Remember to check out all the videos over at youtube.com/TheFogelnestFiles! If you’re listening to this the day it drops and live in New York City, then come to a LIVE taping of THE FOGELNEST FILES at The Bell House with special guests Dave Hill, Julie Klausner, and Katie Notopoulos. Tickets at thebellhouseny.com. Also, don’t miss out on an ILLEGAL SCREENING of a Punk Rock film with Jake & Julie Klausner on Friday, October 11th at UCB East. Go to east.ucbtheatre.com for more info.