Max Silvestri

Max Silvestri is a comedian, writer and actor living in Brooklyn. Max writes a weekly column about how much loves eating and drinking for the Onion’s AV Club NY and also takes writing about “Top Chef” for the website Eater too seriously. He’s also written for Gawker, the Huffington Post and other places. Along with Gabriel Delahaye, he makes videos as Gabe & Max for places like Details Magazine. Max has been in some TV commercials. He co-hosts Big Terrific, Time Out New York’s Best New Variety Show, every Wednesday in Williamsburg alongside Gabe Liedman and SNL’s Jenny Slate.
Guest Appearances
October 6, 2024
Comedian extraordinaire Max Silvestri joins Scott once again to talk about the 5 year anniversary of his legendary 10 minute stand-up set at a festival in Johnny Carson’s honor, the history of The Tonight Show, and life after becoming a father.
November 27, 2022
Comedian extraordinaire Max Silvestri joins Scott to talk about the doors that have opened since his legendary 10 minute stand-up set at a festival in Johnny Carson’s honor, growing up driving near a drive-in movie theater, and his new scripted Audible podcast “Past My Bedtime.” Then, celebrity podiatrist Harry Footman stops by to make a confession. Plus, truck enthusiast Kayla Dickie returns to talk about how her town celebrates Ford Rock Hard Eve.
June 27, 2021
Comedian extraordinaire Max Silvestri joins Scott knee to knee to talk about the career opportunities he’s turned down since his legendary 10 minute stand-up set in Nebraska. Then, neighbors Burnt Millipede and Joan Pedestrian return to promote the new season of their podcast The Neighborhood Listen. Plus, author/clergy person Bishop R.L. Bakes returns to talk about his new book series.
November 3, 2019
Comedian Max Silvestri joins Scott to share an important update on the 10 minute stand-up set he performed at the Great American Comedy Festival. Then, Leonard Jonas, the 4th Jonas Brother, stops by to talk about why his father has hidden him from the public. Plus, entrepreneur Étouffée brings some baked goods from his Bayou Bakery.
This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/BANGBANG code: BANGBANG), Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, ZipRecruiter (www.ziprecruiter.com/cbb), State Farm (www.neighborhoodofgood.com) and Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/bangbang).
June 9, 2019
Comedian extraordinaire Max Silvestri joins Scott to talk about his upcoming 10 minute stand-up set at the Great American Comedy Festival, the show 24, and taking a tour of Johnny Carson’s childhood home. Then, Sprague The Whisperer returns to talk about his new job. Plus, stuntman Conroy stops by to talk about his process.
This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/BANGBANG code: BANGBANG), Smile Direct (www.smiledirectclub.com/podcast code: BANGBANG), and Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/bangbang).
November 20, 2018
Writer, actor and comedian Max Silvestri joins Howard and the crew for a pre-Thanksgiving Who Charted! Howard shares touching wedding tales and Max describes which pop stars he’d be comfortable around while they count down the Top 5 Trending Songs on YouTube. Plus, they get into the behind-the-scenes drama of the new Queen biopic and pitch pro-Grinch philosophies during the Movie Chart, and the Hot Picks inspire hot takes on spooky brunettes, Bill Maher’s Stan Lee diss, and much more.
This episode is sponsored by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/CHARTED code: CHARTED) and Robinhood (CHARTED.robinhood.com).