Rachael Harris

Rachael Harris is an American actress and comedian. Harris hosted Smoking Gun TV in 2004, and has made multiple appearances on such VH1 documentaries as I Love the ’80s, I Love the ’90s, and Best Week Ever. She has also appeared in many films including Best in Show and The Hangover.
Guest Appearances
February 12, 2023
2011 was a great year for Nic Cage—he starred in Season of the Witch, Drive Angry, and this episode’s widely despised Joel Schumacher thriller Trespass, co-starring Nicole Kidman.
January 31, 2012
2011 was a great year for Nic Cage. He made Season of the Witch, Drive Angry, and this week’s selection, Trespass. It broke the record for shortest time between theatrical premiere and DVD release, and if you watched it I think you know why. We invited Rachael Harris to join us for a discussion of this widely despised Schumacher thriller. If this episode left you wanting more, be sure to come to How Did This Get Made? LIVE at Largo on February 7th for a discussion of Birdemic: Shock and Terror!
January 22, 2012
2012 Independent Spirit Award Best Actress nominee Rachel Harris graces us (and a live audience) with her beauty and wit. Did we mention she’s hilarious?