Rachel Lichtman

Rachel Lichtman is awesome. Rachel Lichtman, aka Rotary Rachel, is also a rock journalist and DJ who has hosted a variety of programs including the The Crystal Telephone. Follow her @DJRotaryRachel where she routinely says the funniest things ever.
Guest Appearances
January 24, 2013
It’s known that Jake is an all-time master at picking clips so when would he ever allow someone else to curate his show? When that someone else is multimedia goddess Rachel Lichtman!!! She sits in with Jake and talks about her work for The Monkees, having the most obscure pop culture references on her twitter feed, and her documentary, Candy Store Profits, all on today’s episode of The Fogelnest Files! Jake and Rachel mind meld over her collection of delightful clips that include; a young woman in 1965 New York fawning over The Beetles and sprouting a new generation, the lo-fi origins of the Doctor Who theme song, and the Bee Gees on Howard Stern’s New Years Rotten Eve serenading John Bobbit’s lost penis. They also check out and try to understand a commercial from 1982 for an English leather British bikini girl contest that’s narrated with enough velocity to melt your face. To watch the clips discussed on this episode go to: http://www.youtube.com/