Soren Bowie

Soren Bowie is columnist and editor for Cracked.com. He is also a co-writer/co-star in the series Cracked After Hours.
Guest Appearances
July 14, 2019
Where do you get your news? Because whether it’s from a range of sources, from a curated Twitter feed, or from one nightmare cable channel monetizing hate, there is more happening than any one of us can track. The world is all news all the time. A lot of it seems grim. But what if we told you those true sad stories exist beside a range of incredible good news? What if we told you there are all kinds of bright spots across the world if you know where to look? And what if at least one of the stories features a “hybrid bear-monkey” you WILL want to see?
On this episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by old pals Soren Bowie and Katie Goldin for a celebration of awesome news you probably missed. From the struggle to save the environment to the fight against world diseases, you’ll discover everyone from young kids to entire countries pitching in and helping. So hurry up and listen, to gain the upbeat energy you need to defeat the slew of terrible things also going on these days (and don’t forget to hit up the footnotes for those sweet sweet hybrid bear-monkey pics).
Footnotes: https://www.cracked.com/podcast/17-exciting-happy-news-stories-more-people-should-hear
December 9, 2018
Space: it’s the final frontier AND somehow the least popular frontier. A couple decades of successful shuttle launches passed unnoticed. A slew of orbital science experiments didn’t excite anybody. Even the Space Race wasn’t the nation-gripping drama we decided it was retroactively. Why isn’t space travel capturing more imaginations? Why aren’t people more stoked about it? And would it help if we did a rad podcast episode about the most kickass exploits in all of space history?
On this week’s episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by ‘American Dad’ writer, Cracked legend, and prince of all our hearts Soren Bowie for a celebration of outer space heroics. They’ll dig into the death-defying (and sometimes, death-receiving) bravery that’s driven decades of space exploration, even though only a few of those bold explorers became famous in the aftermath. Plus, enjoy a special bonus story of how the very best of us went out into the universe in the form of a space probe.
Footnotes: http://www.cracked.com/podcast/13-badass-astronaut-cosmonaut-stories-everyone-should-hear/
September 21, 2017
Kathryn Bigelow month continues on Cracked Movie Club! On a special live episode recorded at UCB Sunset, Tom and Abe are joined by Cracked’s Soren Bowie and Carmen Angelica as they discuss 1991’s Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow’s first major studio success and the movie that launched Keanu Reeves’ action career. Listen as they discuss the film’s themes of duality, its expertly directed action sequences, and whether or not Johnny Utah is secretly some kind of robot.
June 30, 2017
Every morning when you wake up you (probably) do the same routine. In some order, you shower, use the toilet, shave and brush your teeth. In that respect, movie characters don’t seem to exist in the same universe as us. Typically we only see them there if something important is happening, like if someone is taking a shower at the Bates Motel or if Danny Glover needs to use the toilet in ‘Lethal Weapon 2’.
In part-three of our special mini-series ‘Looking the Part’, Soren Bowie and Daniel O’Brien break down the typical bathroom tropes we see all over pop-culture, from the different varieties of the scary shower sequence, to the strange way shaving is used to show a power imbalance. They’re joined by screenwriter Seth W. Owen to break-down how a writer implements these types of scenes and to discuss the crazy reason so many movies have a part where the hero washes his face and then takes a long, steely look in the mirror.
And if you missed the first two installments of ‘Looking the Part’, check them out by clicking the links below:
In episode 1, Soren and Daniel break down Superman’s dueling haircuts and the roles of mustaches, beards and goatees in film: https://goo.gl/hwuUvB
In episode 2, Soren and Daniel discuss scars, tattoos, costumes and the most recent two Jokers: https://goo.gl/81qZk3
This episode is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club. For a limited time, new members get their 1st month along with the Executive Razor and a tube of their Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter for ONLY $5 with FREE shipping. That’s a $15 value for only $5 bucks! After that, razors are just a few bucks a month. This offer is exclusively available at DollarShaveClub.com/cracked
June 23, 2017
Admit it: the Harry Potter movies would be totally different if he didn’t have a cool scar. If Harry looked like Gary Oldman in ‘Hannibal’, Hermione and Ron be afraid to talk to him and even the Dementors would think twice before getting close to him. But Harry’s scar is pencil-thin, and hides behind his hair. He’s got a good-guy scar. And characters like Heath Ledger’s Joker, Freddy Krueger and Scar? Obviously bad guys, right? ‘The Lion King’ wasn’t even trying when they named their bad guy.
Last week, in episode one of “Looking the Part,” Soren Bowie and Daniel O’Brien analyzed what filmmakers were subtly telegraphing to audiences with characters’ hair, mustaches and beards. This week the guys are joined by costume designer Jenna Wright to take a look at the skin, how scars and tattoos are used on good guys vs. bad guys, and the role costuming plays in developing a character.
This episode is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club. For a limited time, new members get their 1st month along with the Executive Razor and a tube of their Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter for ONLY $5 with FREE shipping. That’s a $15 value for only $5 bucks! After that, razors are just a few bucks a month. This offer is exclusively available at DollarShaveClub.com/cracked
June 15, 2017
Every cheesy soap opera gives it away from the start– the dashing Dr. Iago Montana is back from the dead…with a goatee. We as the audience know: IT’S NOT HIM, IT’S HIS EVIL TWIN! SEND HIM BACK FROM WHENCE HE CAME!
Again, it’s easy to spot this from a mile away when you see it on a soap opera or a children’s cartoon. The crazy thing is, whether you know it or not, every movie and TV show uses a special shorthand to convey if a character is good, evil, happy, sad, trustworthy or complicated. And more often than not, this shorthand is baked into how a character presents themselves. You just need to know what to look for.
That’s why in our new podcast mini-series sponsored by Dollar Shave Club, Cracked senior editor Soren Bowie and head of video Daniel O’Brien will dissect how characters’ grooming habits, costumes and make-up are the biggest spoilers of all. This week on episode one, the guys will take a look at Superman’s dueling hair styles, what different types of facial hair say and what it means when a character chooses to be bald.
This episode is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club. For a limited time, new members get their 1st month along with the Executive Razor and a tube of their Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter for ONLY $5 with FREE shipping. That’s a $15 value for only $5 bucks! After that, razors are just a few bucks a month. This offer is exclusively available at www.dollarshaveclub.com/cracked .