January 12, 2021

EP. 60 — Launch Party Part 1

This week we’re breaking down Launch Party. To kick off this two part episode, Jenna and Angela, with the help of Jen Celotta, give an exclusive behind-the-scenes breakdown of how the famous DVD-logo-in-the-corner cold open was shot. This reminds Angela of some juicy parking garage drama. We hear from Kate Flannery on how Meredith’s cast was made and Jenna realizes that Paul Reiser may be her soulmate. Angela tracks Michael Scott’s short jokes and with the help of Phyllis, we all learn how and how not to deal with difficult people. So let’s get this Lunch Party going! I mean, Launch Party. Or is it Lanch Party? 


OFFICE-060-20201203-LaunchParty1-SKv03.mp3 Jenna [00:00:03] I’m Jenna Fischer. Angela [00:00:04] And I’m Angela Kinsey. Jenna [00:00:06] We were on the office together. Angela [00:00:07] And we’re best friends. Jenna [00:00:08] And now we’re doing the ultimate Office rewatch podcast just for you. Angela [00:00:12] Each week we will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scenes stories that only two people who were there can tell you. Jenna [00:00:19] We’re the Office Ladies. It’s party time, everybody. Angela [00:00:25] It’s a launch party. Jenna [00:00:27] Or is it a lunch party? Angela [00:00:29] How dare you? Jenna [00:00:30] Is it a lanch party? Angela [00:00:32] Get out. You and Kevin can get out. Jenna [00:00:37] That is one of my favorite jokes. Lanch party. Angela [00:00:40] Yeah. Would that be better, Kevin? Would that be better for it to say lanch party? Jenna [00:00:46] Well, it is a launch party. It is ano

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