November 7, 2023

EP. 230 — Sasheer Enjoys Corn Dogs

Hello friends! Sasheer is getting confused by the weather. Nicole is taking singing lessons. Sasheer suggests Nicole record the sessions so she can hit her notes at home. Sasheer joins Nicole for a haunted hayride. Nicole enjoyed funnel cake. Sasheer enjoyed  her two corndogs. While Sasheer likes incense, Nicole loves candles. Sasheer tries to help find solutions to help Nicole find her keys. Nicole shares how a man randomly tried to get into her car. Sasheer blesses us with her impression of a French accent. They both  answer your friendship questions about a friends text chain etiquette and introducing a partner to a friend group.



This was recorded on October 26, 2023.




Nicole is on tour doing standup! For tickets go to:


Check out Sasheer’s Comedy Special “First Woman” on 800 Pound Gorilla or for free on YouTube.



Here is the quiz we took:


Email or call Nicole & Sasheer with your friendship questions at:



NICOLE: Hello, Sasheer.   SASHEER: Hello, Nicole.   NICOLE: Boy, oh, boy, isn’t this a glorious day in sunny Los Angeles, California?   SASHEER: Yeah, I am cold in my house.   NICOLE:  I’m a little chilled too, but I like it.   SASHEER: Yeah, it is nice, but yesterday was confusing because it was cloudy and I was like, “Oh, I guess this is the day. I’m not going to get out of bed because where’s the sun? Oh, it’s not coming out today.”   NICOLE: Sasheer, same thoughts. I had a singing lesson, I looked outside, and I was like, “Ugh, I’m just not feeling it today.” And Doug is so wonderful and, like, gracious and holds space. I was like, “I’m not feeling the greatest today. Can we reschedule?” And he was like, “Of course! Take time. Take care of yourself.” He’s just so sweet. He’s a sweet boy. Boy, oh, boy. I’m really enjoying my singing journey, exce

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