August 13, 2020

EP. 160 — Black Voices Friday Presents: Drunken Anthropology

A sober and insightful look at the inebriated dialogue people tend to have. On a bi-weekly basis, we attempt to examine a cultural myth through fresh eyes and the media that we consume. Over the course of a season we will explore topics related to success, music, religion, art, history, politics etc. in order to bring you an enlightening dialogue to the many concepts our society has.

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February 22, 2024

This week, Gilli and Jake delve into the topic of how we present ourselves to this gross world we live in.

February 15, 2024

This week on “We’re Gross”, Gilli and Jake take on the nice light topic of death. Jake and Gilli write and share obituaries for one another, along with what they hope people will say about them at their own funerals.

February 8, 2024

This week on “We’re Gross”, Gilli and Jake talk relationships which includes an interview with Jake’s dad and author, Mark Jabbour!