March 21, 2024

EP. 341 — Ronal the Barbarian LIVE!

Paul, Jason, and a delighted June dive balls deep into the 2011 raunchy Danish animated comedy Ronal the Barbarian—a film that asks, “What if you took a kids movie, but made the villains Lord of the Rings style leather daddies?” LIVE from Brooklyn, they discuss the boob slap scene, the villain’s hairy butt crack, how this is actually a movie for women, and so much more. Plus, Paul asks the weighty question, “Are men’s boobs boobs?” and we’re introduced to John Dillermand—a Danish cartoon about a man with a long, sentient penis.


UPCOMING TOUR DATES IN: Belfast, Dublin, Glasgow, & London! Go to for tix and info.

Pre-Order Paul’s book about his childhood, Joyful Recollections of Trauma, wherever books are sold

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@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter

Jason is not on Twitter


Paul Scheer [00:00:00] It’s How To Train Your Dragon, but replace dragons with balls. No, literally there are balls in this movie. We saw Ronal the Barbarian, so you know what that means.   Music [00:00:17] [Intro Song]   Paul Scheer [00:01:08] What’s up, people of Earth! And what’s up, people of Brooklyn! We are live at Bam. To talk about the first animated movie ever on How Did This Get Made. Ronal the Barbarian is about a weakling barbarian descendant from a long line of the strongest barbarians who goes on a quest to beat a bad guy? I don’t know. This movie is R. It’s weird. It’s really just a simple kids movie, but with a lot of shits and fucks. And like I mentioned, balls. It’s like what a 12 year old might do in his bedroom to, like, fan dub a movie. Like, fuck you, you asshole. Eat shit, cock sucker. It feels like the curses are just snuck in there willy nilly. And I loved it. And to break down this movie tonight, I have two o

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