June 15, 2023

EP. 321 — Milk Money LIVE! (w/ Casey Wilson)

Team Sanity member Casey Wilson is back! The Drop Dead Fred crew reconcile in order to discuss 1994’s Milk Money starring Melanie Griffith & Ed Harris. LIVE from Largo in LA, they discuss the classroom sex ed scene, the meaning of the film’s title, and the numerous uncomfortable moments between V and the boys. Plus, a debate about laundry and pajamas goes off the rails, Paul shares numerous disturbing childhood stories, and an audience member’s baby brings June to tears.


HDTGM is going on tour! Additional Boston & New Jersey dates added. Buy tix at hdtgm.com


Follow Paul on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/paulscheer/

HDTGM Discord: discord.gg/hdtgm

Paul’s Discord: https://discord.gg/paulscheer

Check out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/friendzone) every Thursday 8-10pm EST

Subscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: listen.earwolf.com/deepdive

Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson here: listen.earwolf.com/unspooled

Check out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.com

Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepublic.com/stores/hdtgm

Where to find Jason, June & Paul:

@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter

@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter

Jason is not on Twitter


Paul Scheer [00:00:00] A mission to find boobs Turns into a mission to find love. Take off your pants and listen. Cause we saw Milk Money. So you know what that means.   Music [00:00:19] [Intro Song]   Paul Scheer [00:01:15] Hello people of Earth and hello people of Los Angeles! Welcome to. How Did This Get Made? I’m your host, Tall John Scheer. And today we are talking about the 1994 Melanie Griffith, Ed Harris rom com children’s movie about a sex worker and a scientist and really perverted kids. Boy, oh, boy, we’re going to all break it down, but let me just give you a brief idea of what this plot is. First of all, I’ll say this. It feels like this is a film adapted from a very famous French film. It’s not, but it feels like, Oh, no, no, of course this works. No. It’s a movie about a young boy whose mother died in childbirth and he longs having a mom. So he also wants to see a real woman naked. So him and his friends raise 100 bucks. Will

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