May 29, 2014
EP. 136 — Hallelujah the Hills
Lauren Lapkus, Mike Still, and Jeff Hiller are here along with special musical guest Hallelujah the Hills for a magical musical episode of improv4humans with Matt Besser! For the first time ever, the entire band Hallelujah the Hills have set themselves up in the studio to play some songs from their latest album Have You Ever Done Something Evil? to inspire some improvised scenes. Tune in to hear what it’s like for an automated phone attendant to become sentient, what lengths a person will take to win an argument, and what your favorite band is really saying if you listen closely to the lyrics. Make sure to get the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, Matt Besser’s new comedy album at, and Hallelujah The Hills’ new album at!
Recent Episodes
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EP. 617 — Joanne & The Jeez
Guest John Gemberling Lisa Gilroy
John Gemberling and Lisa Gilroy join Matt Besser LIVE from The Ice House in Pasadena!
August 17, 2023
EP. 616 — Who’s the Kermit Here?
Tim Meadows, James Mannion, and Toni Charline join Matt Besser for scenes about playing basketball with a bunch of insects, crying during karate, bums giving out stories for a dime, a relationship with a muppet narrative, and more!
August 9, 2023
EP. 615 — Authentic Strongmen
Ronnie Adrian, Mookie Blaiklock, and Ify Nwadiwe join Matt Besser for scenes about scoring an invite to the cocaine room, stand-up at a family gathering, and parents who take parody TikTok seriously.