June 14, 2011

This week on Professor Blastoff we discuss…..woah…..okay, this is weird. I feel like I’ve written this before!?! About the possible causes of deja vu and how it relates to epilepsy and dementia. Am I alone? They discussed the double perception theory and the history of pie charts. I can’t be the only one who remembers this! You were wearing a cowboy hat! Well, I’m going to head to the neurologist, so while I’m there listen to this episode of Professor Blastoff (if you haven’t already).

June 7, 2011

What makes you who you are? The simple answer: DNA. This week we invite Dr. Alex Platt to the hatch to discuss deoxyribonucleic acid and what it means for our species. Alex uses his scientific expertise to explain the birds and the bees (and the sluts) and judge David’s impression of Pee Wee Herman. Learn why cloning doesn’t work quite like we’d want it to, and why the fastest sperm might not be the best sperm, this week on Professor Blastoff.

May 30, 2011

Good morning sleeping beauties! How did you sleep last night? Did you have any bad dreams? Did you have any boring fishing dreams? Did you have trouble falling asleep? Stay in your pajamas, make a big cup of coffee and enjoy this dreamy episode of Professor Blastoff featuring clips and songs from Jens Lekman.

May 24, 2011

There has been a major controversy populating the public consciousness lately: The rapture. So why not take some time to discuss the afterlife and what it entails? Our guest this week is Katy Bee-Wyatt, a youth pastor who can offer answers to questions like “What do the keys of  heaven look like?” and “Do souls have pagers?” David takes this opportunity to show off his extensive knowledge about whales and nirvana, and we even included a sing-along! So what about you, listener? Are you a Stephen Hawking or a Colton Burpo?

May 16, 2011

With Professor Blastoff lost among the cosmos, it’s hard not to consider the possibilities contained within the stars. Alien life? Perhaps. How can we know? Do we trust crop circles, Puma Punku, or Qorton the Alien Channeler? How would the beings even get to Earth? Could they already be here? Keep leaving your comments and iTunes reviews, and check out this free download from Tig’s upcoming album “Good One.”

May 15, 2011

Alright all you mindless drones, are you ready for another episode of Professor Blastoff? Nick Offerman has found his way to our secret lab and is here to discuss the structure of society. What choice do we have in the roles we play? Are we born to be queens, or do we pick our job in the hive? How would life be different if our careers and sex lives were predetermined? Plus, we have what you’ve all been begging for: BEE TRIVIA! Be sure to join us on Facebook and tell us what you’d like to hear about in future episodes.

May 15, 2011

We’d like to invite you and your multiple personalities to the first episode of Professor Blastoff! Each week Tig, David, and Kyle will discuss science, philosophy, and the humanities from the abandoned basement of Professor R.L. Blastoff PhD. We begin this week with a discussion on the multiplicity of self. How many facets does the self contain? Where is the line for mental instability? How important is self awareness? What is the difference between Multiple Personalities Disorder and Schizophrenia? How does one pronounce “compartmentalize” correctly? For thoughtful, yet hilarious, answers to these questions and more, join us for our maiden voyage!